McDonald Lake Subdivision, your refuge from the bustle of city life

McDonald Lake

Residents Association

Any questions, or comments concerning this website may be directed to the MLRA Webmaster.
This narrative was taken directly from the MLRA Newsletter for the 2nd Quarter of 2008.
Update on McDonald Lake Parkland Development
On March 10, 2008 the MLRA hosted the first planning session for the development of a universal natural parkland site on Prospect River Court.  This innovative approach to the park design will provide something for residents of all ages to enjoy.  Thanks to the twenty three residents and organization representatives who participated in the meeting and provided ideas of things they would like to see in the park.  A report of this meeting will be circulated to members by the end of the month, as well, a copy sent to Patricia MacDonald, the representative from the HRM Planning Department designated to work with us on this project.
During the meeting, a park wish list was circulated asking residents to identify their top twenty items for the park. The results, from highest to lowest in popularity, are as follows:  tree house, bird houses, rope to climb, dock/boat launch, benches, huge rocks, curving paths, climbers, bridges, berry bushes, gazebo, bat houses, pond life, waterfalls/stream, stepping stones, swings, balance beams, slides, games area, and hills to roll down/slide.
MLRA would like to give you an opportunity to fill out a wish list, please take the survey ..... The more feedback we receive, the better the plan will be when construction time arrives..
Location of the Parkland Playground:

Lot 49 on Prospect River Court

Click on the picture to see the enlarged view of the lot.
Build our Park with Mabel's Labels!
Visit here to place your order!!  Funds raised will help develop our parkland.  Make sure it is the McDonald Lake site - see top right hand corner of web page.
Newsletter Testimonial:
"Personally, I have used these labels and I love them!  The labels stay on even after washing in dish washer and clothes washer.  Great for labeling your child's stuff for school, summer camp,